The world’s leading peer-to-peer matching platform.

swaps simplified.
liquidity amplifieD.

X•Match transforms the FX swaps market by reducing market impact and minimizing the effects of volatility, delivering superior outcomes for all investors. Our breakthrough credit intermediation model revolutionizes traditional structures, decoupling liquidity from credit to offer a new, anonymous, and dependable source of liquidity.

This breakthrough approach revolutionizes the swaps market, enhancing both its resilience and efficiency. Designed with the FX community at its core, X•Match fosters a collaborative ecosystem driven by a 'win-win-win' philosophy, ensuring safer, stronger results for members, investors, and banks alike.

Discover why the world’s largest financial institutions trust X•Match for seamless, mid-market FX swaps execution.

Schedule a demo today.

Cost Savings Calculator

See how much you can save by automating your hedging process with consistent and dependable liquidity — void of market impact, tracking error or volatile market conditions.

Monthly roll amount


Months Rolled


Total Saved


BPS Saved


Annual Hedge Savings


Market Impact


* Cost savings are estimated by FX HedgePool using an estimated measure of historical expected costs relative to a mid-point rate at the time of execution as compared to actual 2022 FX HedgePool matches. Past results do not guarantee future performance.

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Product offering

Choose from a range of matching events that best align with your roll cycle. Every new member amplifies the network effect for the benefit of all.

Month-End 1M

Mid-point matching at published benchmarked rates.

Multiple matching dates leading up to, and including, month-end.

Single month-end execution.

Mid-month 1m

Mid-point matching at published benchmarked rates.

Multiple matching dates with daily execution.

Standardized monthly settlement dates.

quarterly imm

Mid-point matching at published benchmarked rates.

Multiple matching dates with daily execution.

Standardized quarterly settlement dates.


How we roll

Whether you need to match 10 million or 10 billion, our simple three-step process is seamlessly integrated with industry-leading trading technologies.


what sets hedgepool apart?
Just about everything.

Quantifiable Best Execution

Trade at fixed spreads from benchmark rates - eliminating tracking error and volatile market spreads in all market conditions.

Zero Market Impact

Matching with peers prevents pre-hedging risk and information leakage - eliminating market impact entirely.

Automated Workflows

Range of O/EMS integration options - offering flexibility to work seamlessly within your existing trading process.


Non-Toxic Liquidity

Joining a community of peers enables anonymous matching amongst a pool of safe, non-toxic participants.


Counterparty Diversification

Separation of liquidity from credit allows members to allocate matched trades to a panel of top-tier credit banks.


Iron-clad Security

256-bit bank-level encryption and self-healing technology to safeguard your data.


10 X Innovation Philosophy

Award-winning technology built on agility, scale and simplicity - allowing us to respond to client needs 10 times faster than incumbents.


White Glove Service

We work with the community to create solutions that work for them, offering flexible integration and tailored onboarding.


Aligned Goals

The larger the network, the greater the results – reducing costs for improved investor performance.

bank on it

Sometimes it’s good to be predictable.

FX HedgePool is working with a growing panel of banks to leverage existing credit relationships with members for the booking and settlement of FX swaps. This means that banks are paid for providing credit — with no market risk or the need to compete on price.

We've reshaped the market structure by empowering banks to provide a valuable credit service to their clients.  Our unique credit model is designed to transform what is often an unreliable and low-margin business into a predictable revenue source and higher trading volumes.

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