FX Market structure – Examining institutional liquidity and trading technology.

November 10, 2021

FX Market structure – Examining institutional liquidity and trading technology.

Ahead of TabbForum and TheFullFX’s FX Market Structure 2022 event, our CEO and Co-Founder, Jay Moore, spoke to Bruce Morris, CEO at TABB Group, to discuss how FX HedgePool is transforming #FX market structure, creating a better exchange for the buy-side, sell-side and underlying investors. Watch the full interview below.

About FX HedgePool

FX HedgePool is a multi-award winning matching platform for the mid-market execution of FX swaps that is transforming the market through its breakthrough unbundling of liquidity from credit. This is unlocking vast potential for passive hedgers to provide liquidity to each other, while leveraging existing counterparty relationships for credit provision. Passive hedgers can now access a new source of safe and dependable liquidity, eliminating unnecessary friction for both the buy-side and the sell-side. Founded in 2019, FX HedgePool is on a mission to modernize institutional FX through bold innovation and leading-edge technology for the betterment of all.